Journal articles
Grandclément, Catherine. ‘Electricity Engineers and the Happening of Behaviour: Lessons from a Real-Scale Experiment’. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory 20, no. 3 (2019): 246–63.
Grandclément, Catherine, and Alain Nadaï. 2018. “Devising the Consumer of the Competitive Electricity Market: the Mundane Meter, the Unbundling Doctrine, and the Re-Bundling of Choice.” Journal of Cultural Economy, July, 1–18.
Grandclément, Catherine, Andrew Karvonen, and Simon Guy. 2015. “Negotiating Comfort in Low Energy Housing: The Politics of Intermediation.” Energy Policy 84 (September): 213–22.
Grandclément, Catherine. 2011. “Le Libre-Service à Ses Origines : Mettre Au Travail Ou Construire Le Consommateur ?” Entreprises et Histoire, no. 64: 64–75.
Republished In Sociologie Des Agencements Marchands : Textes Choisis, edited by Michel Callon, 309–24. Paris: Presses des Mines, 2013.
Grandclément, Catherine, and Franck Cochoy. 2006. “Histoires Du Chariot de Supermarché. Ou Comment Emboîter Le Pas de La Consommation de Masse.” Vingtième Siècle, no. 91: 77–93.
Grandclément, Catherine. 2006. “Le Marketing Des Similarités. Les Produits à Marque de Distributeur.” Réseaux 24 (135–136): 221–52.
Grandclément, Catherine. 2004. “Climatiser Le Marché. Les Contributions Des Marketings de l’ambiance et de l’atmosphère.” Ethnographiques.Org [En Ligne], no. 6 (novembre 2004).
Book chapters
Grandclément, Catherine. ‘Le Chariot de Supermarché’. In Le Magasin Du Monde. La Mondialisation Par Les Objets Du XVIIIe Siècle à Nos Jours, edited by Pierre Singaravélou and Sylvain Venayre, 365–69. Paris: Fayard, 2020.
Grandclément, Catherine, Magali Pierre, Elizabeth Shove, and Alain Nadaï. ‘Contentious Interfaces: Exploring the Junction between Collective Provision and Individual Private Consumption’. In Infrastructures in Practice: The Evolution of Demand in Networked Societies, edited by Elizabeth Shove and Frank Trentmann, 143–54. Routledge, 2019.
Grandclément, Catherine, Alain Nadaï, Béatrice Cointe, Vincent Banos, Jeoffrey Dehez, Olivier Labussière, and Thomas Reverdy. 2018. “Transitioning through Markets.” In Energy Transitions: A Sociotechnical Inquiry, edited by Olivier Labussière and Alain Nadaï, 101–42. Cham: Palgrave.
Nadaï, Alain, Olivier Labussière, and Catherine Grandclément. 2018. “Technological Demonstration at the Core of the Energy Transition.” In Energy Transitions: A Sociotechnical Inquiry, edited by Olivier Labussière and Alain Nadaï, 191–237. Cham: Palgrave.
Escoffier, Caroline, Catherine Grandclément, and Pierre Scolan. 2015. “Transparence Technique et Coopération Des Utilisateurs Dans Deux Projets de Smart Grid.” In Énergie et Transformations Sociales. Enquêtes Sur Les Interfaces Énergétiques, edited by Jérôme Cihuelo, Arthur Jobert, and Catherine Grandclément, 17–31. Paris: Editions Lavoisier.
Cihuelo, Jérôme, Catherine Grandclément, and Arthur Jobert. 2015. “Introduction Générale.” In Énergie et Transformations Sociales. Enquêtes Sur Les Interfaces Énergétiques, edited by Jérôme Cihuelo, Arthur Jobert, and Catherine Grandclément, 1–13. Paris: Editions Lavoisier.
Grandclément, Catherine, and Gérald Gaglio. 2011. “Convoking the Consumer in Person: The Focus Group Effect.” In Inside Marketing: Ideologies, Practices, Devices, edited by Detlev Zwick and Julien Cayla, 87–114. Oxford University Press.
Republished In Consumer Research Methods edited by James Fitchett and Andrea Davies. Sage Benchmarks in Social Research Methods series, 2013.
Republished In International Perspectives of Marketing Theory edited by Mark Tadajewski and Robert Cluley, Sage Library in Marketing series, 2013.
Grandclément, Catherine. 2011. “Les Agencements Du Supermarché. Déplacer Le Client, Déployer Le Vendeur.” In Humains, Non-Humains. Comment Repeupler Les Sciences Sociales ?, edited by Sophie Houdart and Olivier Thiery, 155–65. Paris: Editions La Découverte.
Grandclément, Catherine. 2009. “Wheeling One’s Groceries Around the Store: The Invention of the Shopping Cart, 1936-1953.” In Food Chains: From Farmyard to Shopping Cart, edited by Warren Belasco and Roger Horowitz, 233–51. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Grandclément, Catherine, and Franck Cochoy. 2005. “Dévoiler ou Emballer ? Socio-Scénographie Du Packaging.” In Fresh Théorie, edited by Mark Alizart and Christophe Kihm, 114–45. Paris: Editions Léo Scheer.
Partially republished In Conduct: Sociology and Social Worlds edited by Liz McFall, Paul du Gay and Simon Carter, S., Manchester University Press, 2008.
Cochoy, Franck, and Catherine Grandclément. 2005. “Publicizing Goldilocks’ Choice at the Supermarket: The Political Work of Shopping Packs, Carts and Talk.” In Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy, edited by Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel, 646–59. Karlsruhe et Cambridge: MA / Londres: ZKM/The MIT Press.
Cihuelo, Jérôme, Arthur Jobert, and Catherine Grandclément, eds. 2015. Energie et Transformations Sociales. Enquêtes Aux Interfaces. Paris: Editions Lavoisier.
Besançon, J. ; Borraz, O. ; Grandclément, C., 2004, La sécurité alimentaire en crises. Les crises Coca-Cola et Listeria de 1999-2000, L’Harmattan, Paris, 307 pages
Catherine Grandclément
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